Videos About the Victoria Hall
Save the Victoria Hall, including an appeal by locally-based actor and theatre director Amanda Redman –– 30 July 2021
Save the Victoria Hall 2021, by ExposureBox. On the fifth anniversary of Ealing Council’s attempt to sell off the Town Hall and the Victoria to a luxury hotel developer, one of the founders of the Friends of the Victoria Hall explains why the deal must be opposed and why an appeal has been launched to pay the costs of a legal challenge –– 12 July 2021
Ealing's Victoria Hall, by the Campaign for an Ealing Performance & Arts Centre which has proposed a much better idea for the future of the Victoria Hall than turning some 30% of it in luxury hotel bedrooms –– September 2020
Save Victoria Hall Update, by ExposureBox. An interview with three founders of the Friends of the Victoria Hall Trust for an update on how residents have objected to a proposed Charity Commission ‘Scheme’ which would legitimise Ealing Council’s attempt to dispose of Victoria Hall, Prince’s Hall and other rooms even though the Council does not own these properties –– 11 February 2020
Ealing's Famous 126-year-old Victoria Hall is in Danger of being Sold to a Hotel Company, by SWLondoner. Includes an interview with one of the founders of the Friends of the Victoria Hall –– 8 November 2019
Victoria Hall Consultation, by ExposureBox. The chair of Save Ealing’s Centre explains in some detail why the Ealing Town Hall luxury hotel sell-off is bad for the local community and shouldn’t go ahead –– 11 January 2018
Weddings, Functions and Meetings at Ealing Town Hall, a promotional video, ironically made by Ealing Council which stresses what an important venue the Hall is to the local community –– 9 June 2011
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